Remember how it felt to wake up in the morning with radiant skin? It must be delightful and energising to look at your beautiful self. And, yes, that look really boosts confidence. However, we can’t name it confidence, can we? This can’t be the entirety of confidence, right? A sense of self-trust appears to be an imprecise portrayal of something far deeper.
Although looking your best does encourage and motivate you to do your best. But is that confidence? And if not, then what exactly is confidence? Well, to put it straight, real confidence comes from within, without any external source. A good skincare routine is definitely a confidence booster, but it's not entirely where confidence comes from.
Hence, we started a campaign, “Bare Your Confidence”, to celebrate the naked confidence that comes from within. Although skincare checks one box of self-assurance, the real magic happens when we take care of ourselves internally and accept who we are. So, let’s dig in for some amazing tips that will build real confidence that goes beyond the mirror!
Prioritise Self Care!
Let’s be honest! In our society, self-care is often regarded as being selfish. Taking care of yourself? Taking time out, just for you in this hustle and bustle? No way, you must be selfish. Whether you like it or not, confidence comes when you take care of your own well-being, and when you are healed internally, it glows externally!
That glow right there is not because of some face mask or serums; it’s your essence that shines bright! You have to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Nourish your body with nutrients, a healthy diet, exercise, and mindfulness. You don’t need an elaborate skincare routine; these habits will also give you flawless skin and a polished look that exudes confidence!
Rewire the Inner Critic!
Often, the harshest critic we have is none other than our own selves! Sounds philosophical, right? But it’s true, and you need to change your mindset to tackle this huge obstacle between you and your confident self! In our current state, even a minor failure takes us down the rabbit hole of negative self-talk.
We are mostly compassionate toward friends, family, and even strangers, but when it comes to ourselves, we become the barrier to our own growth. Spot those negative thoughts and question yourself: Are they real? What can I do about it? Did I learn something from it?
Every failure is an opportunity to learn and be better than our past selves. Every moment you go forward, you get a new chance to let go of the past and surround yourself with positive affirmations. Direct your focus on your achievements rather than failures to build confidence in your abilities. Manifestation is a strong force, and it can only work it’s magic when you believe in yourself!
Leave the Comfort Zone Behind!
Staying in your comfort zone stunts your growth. You need to step out of it to grow and build confidence in your potential. But don’t jump straight to huge goals. It’ll only overwhelm you and take your morale down. Start slow and steady, set realistic goals and work your way up from there. The ride will be bumpy with ups and downs, but use every failure as a stepping stone to build yourself from scratch!
As we are heading forward, our society is developing in ways we had never imagined. And the fear of the unknown is often a burning factor keeping our confidence low. When we consider ourselves inferior, it shows in our personality and brings our confidence down. Hence, invest in yourself to keep up with society and tap into your potential, which is definitely more than you may think!
Imperfections Are Part of You!
Perfection is not something humans are supposed to achieve. In 2022, a Harvard study revealed that approximately 85.4% of people have perfectionist tendencies, which often become a factor causing anxiety. Contrary to what’s expected, perfectionism leads to stress, which ultimately affects overall well-being. No one is perfect, and neither you have to!
Confidence doesn’t mean perfection; it means embracing imperfections to build resilience. This is why you need to focus on what you do best rather than what you did wrong. As we said earlier, failures are just opportunities to learn and grow. You don’t always need to hit the bull’s eye. Imperfections are part of life, and they should be embraced as such. A perfect blend of accomplishments and failures makes us human!
Supporting the Role of Skincare!
Your skin is undoubtedly a major factor that helps you build confidence. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you feel confident! A recent study suggests that 48% of people think skincare improves self-confidence. Although it might be the case to some extent, it’s not entirely true. Skincare is important to give your skin the care it deserves! Ultimately, the goal is your overall well-being, and skincare is just one piece of the puzzle!
The busy life we have right now keeps us focused on the race to earn and burn! Confidence comes to those who step back, take a breath, and start consciously. Blindly following makes you a slave, but working toward progress builds resilience and self-assurance. Skincare can be a form of self-care, but there are other aspects of your well-being as well that need to be taken care of.
Build Real Confidence with IYVOS!
Our fleeting lives stop for nothing, and that raises the need for solutions that are quick, convenient, and effective. This is why IYVOS has taken the first step for you with our campaign “Bare Your Confidence”, to celebrate holistic approaches for building real confidence and self-assurance. Small changes make a big difference, so begin your journey of building real confidence with IYVOS and take charge of your life toward excellence!
IYVOS fills your need for skincare efficiently by providing the best skincare makeup products to give you flawless, healthy skin effortlessly! When your one need is taken care of by IYVOS, you can focus on other holistic approaches to empower yourself! Embrace your flaws, nourish your body, invest in your growth, and see the naked confidence exude from within, ready to face the challenges life has planned for you. Bare your confidence, not just your skin!